Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Significance of Pradakshinam.

Pradakshinam and its Significance:

"Pradakshinam" is a very common word heard in all hindu temples, rituals and poojas.I want to share my knowledge with all bloggers on its significance.

Pradakshinam is the act of revolving around the god. As the entire solar system revolves around the sun, our Universe revolves around a unique force behind our lives, which we call "God".Hence God is the centre of our lives and our existence in this vast Universe.Pradakshinam signifies our devotion that all our acts and deeds are always centered to God.Pradakshinam should never be done in any hurry, it should be done slowly worshipping and praising the God.Its  a practice to do Pradakshinam to the right side of Dhwajastambam i.e, only in clock wise direction.

Pradakshinam to self, is called Aathma Pradakshina, meant to worship the God within us.

"Yani kani cha paapaani janmanthara kruthaani cha
Thaani thaani vinas(h)yanthi pradakshina padae padae"
May those omissions and commissions done in this life and also in the previous births and the resulting afflictions perish with every pradakshina.

Pradakshina namaskaaraan samarpayaami
Oh Lord, I offer you circumambulation and prostration.